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1. How to use the “fread” functionSet the following measured data into one of the “Data” sections. (Omitted after the 5th line.)
1.5 26 Set the following expressions into the “Exp.” section.
%symbol l s ! Assign symbol and line to drawn data
2. Characteristic of Power Amp GainThis is a semi-logarithmic graph. “Eng. Unit(+Symbol)” is chosen as a type of the x axis. By using proper tools on the Tool palette, several kinds of objects, such as rectangle, line and text, can be created as follows.
3. Usage of Sum functionSet the following expressions into the “Exp.” section.
%label k=1 k=2 Sum(k=1~10) ! Set data labels
4. Health ControlSet the following data the first column data of which are formatted in date-time into one of the “Data” sections. (Omitted after the 5th line.)
XDATE DAY ! The first column data are read as date-time-formatted ones. (Then, “DAY” is used as a base unit.) Like the heath control data above, even if data are revised every day, the graph can be updated each time without changing its attributes by using the “Renew” function.
5. Loan Payment
“monthly payment” = “the amount of loan” ×(interest÷12)÷ The expression above is a formula for “equal principal and interest payment”. Set the following expressions, which are based on the formula, to the “Exp.” section it is possible to output the calculation results of expressions with several formats.
%label mon_payment mon_principal mon_interest tot_principal the_balance
** Numerical output for expressions (an extracted part) **
: 6. Date-formated x axis labelsSet the following data into one of the “Data” sections. (The date-formatted strings are set to the first column of every line. The data are left out after the 5th line.)
XDATE YEAR ! Read the first column data as date-formatted ones (The basic unit is “YEAR”.) Set the following expressions at the “Exp.” section. (The expressions are used to get values per day.)
%symbol b
7. Regression Analysis and CoefficientsAfter the creation of the graph, open the “Symbol/Line” pane of the “Graph Attributes” panel to use regression analysis. You can choose from 13 types of regression curves: linear, exponential, logarithmic, power, polynomial (degree 2 - 9) and gaussian curves. In addition to curves, you can also put regression coefficients beside them onto the graph. (To keep the coefficients invisible is also OK.)
8. Scatter with labelsSet the following data into one of the “Data” sections. (The data are left out after the 6th line.)
! The 1st column data are read as label strings. After the creation of the graph, Choose “As labels” at the “Scatter strings” on the “Symbol/Line” pane of the “Graph Attributes” panel. In this mode, scatter labels can be freely changed their positions, angles, fonts and others as well as other ordinary objects can. If you choose “Instead of Symbol” of another mode, symbols are not displayed and corresponding labels are drawn at the data points instead.
9. Character-based X axis labelsSet the following data into one of the “Data” sections. (The strings for x data are set to the fist column of every line. The data are left out after the 6th line.)
10. Lissajous figures (May 04 2023)Write the following expressions to calculate four Lissajous figures and to arrange them at different positions. They are located using the two sets of serial parameters (=[ , , , ]) which vary the values of x0 and y0.
%axislabel title "Lissajous figures"