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Bug info

Date Phenomenon Solution
(Wrong appearance on Bar Graph) On the Bar graph with a log scale for the Y axis, its bars start at the top of the graph.
Fixed on v2.6 (Being prepared)
(Unable text input) When you are trying to enter a text string with the text tool, the existing text object disappears or ByeGraph rashes. (The phenomenon is confirmed on MacOS 10.13.x or later)
Fixed on v2.6 (Being prepared)
(Incorrect value from #PARAM) The reference value from the parameter counter (#PARAM), which is used in expressions, may be zero in some cases.
Fixed on v2.5
(Improper file path in an example document) In the %external header of the expressions of an example document (Bar Graph with Data values.bygc), which comes with ByeGraph 2.0, a nonexistent and improper file path is specified. Change the description of the header into (%external "~/Library/Application Support/ByeGraph/Data-text (utf-8)/Japan_Import_Export.txt" 6), if you want to recreate the graph.
(Bug about auto scaling) When you do “Auto Scale” for data which consist of some equal decimal values, a wrong value may be set into the maximum field of the corresponding axis.
Fixed on v2.5
(Bug on Displaying Histogram) When you make a histogram, the width of its bars becomes wider or extremely narrower than the desired width if the value of a span for one section, which is got from "(upper limit - lower limit) / number of section", is not an integer value.
Fixed on v2.5
(Missing application size) When you see a downloaded ByeGraph's file size in the finder, it is displayed as "Zero bytes". (In some cases, it may be displayed correctly. The details are still unclear.)
(Bug at updating graph) Clicking the Plot button to update a graph the type of which is "Scatters with labels" cases a crash under these conditions: the data counts increase for previous plotting or there are some invisible data due to its scale settings.
Fixed on v2.0
(Bug at updating graph) When a graph is updated on the condition that the x axis has date-formatted or character-based labels and the y(y2) axis has engineering unit labels, the engineering unit will be reset even if the y(y2) axis scale values are not changed.
Fixed on v1.9.5
(Bug about auto scaling) When you do “Auto Scale” for data which have both positive and negative values, a wrong value may be set into the division field of the corresponding axis.
Fixed on v1.9.5
(Bug about copying and pasting) When objects, which are not graph objects, are copied and pasted from one document to another, some operations may become unstable.
Fixed on v1.9.5
(Bug on Graph Attributes panel) When you open the Symbol/Line pane of the Graph Attributes panel, the data label at the first row on it is sometimes replaced with a previous one that has been set there.
Fixed on v1.9
(Having regression curves reset at updating graph) Whenever a graph which has some regression curves is updated, the curves are reset. (It is not a bug but a spec.)
Improved on v1.9 (Recalculated at updating)
(Bug about "Update data") When "Update data" is performed for one of data A to B which is targeted as the source of fread functions in expressions, the expressions' results do not reflect "the updated data" because the syntax of the expressions is not retried.
Fixed on v1.9
(Bug about Scatter's labels that do not follow y axis offset) When the graph type is "Scatters with labels" and the y or y2 axis offset is activated, Scatter labels' positions do not follow the changing of the axis length.
Fixed on v1.8
(Bug about drawing bars on graph) If symbols of the graph are changed into bars after the graph is moved or rotated, the bars are drawn from wrong starting points.
Fixed on v1.8
(Bug occurring when fread source is chosen) When the source of the file reading functions is chosen manually from the pop-up menu, the correct one cannot be specified. And an error alert that says “The source file is not defined” is displayed when the syntax of expressions is checked.
Fixed on v1.8
(Bug occurring when a particular text object is redrawn) Redrawing a particular kind of text object such as regression coefficients and so on often causes a crash on Mac OS 10.6.
Fixed on v1.8
(Bug about displaying calculation results) When calculation results in 10 figures are displayed using the format “y”, their values are restricted in the range of 2147483647 (max) to -2147483648 (min).
Fixed on v1.8
(Bug about Sum function) If you put “+” in front of a numerical value as Sum function's initial or final term, it is incorrectly treated as a minus value. (Do not use “+” for the initial or final term of the Sum function on the current version.)
Fixed on v1.8
(Bug about limitation up to 32 for constants reservation) At present, even if the number goes beyond 32, an alert does not appear and you might encounter a crash.
Fixed on v1.7
(Bug about syntax checks on PPC Mac) If you bind x data with double quotation marks when using XSTRINGS header, the syntax check cases a crash only on PPC mac.
Fixed on v1.6
(Bug about date scale settings) When the XDATE header is used with the YEAR parameter, the maximum value of the x scale is sometimes set more one year after the syntax of date data are checked.
Fixed on v1.6
(Bug about displaying x axis labels rotated by 90 degrees) When a graph is rotated by 90 degrees in the right, x labels (strings) with "New Line" are not sometimes displayed at the correct positions.
Fixed on v1.6