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ByeGraph (2.6): Released on Mac App Store (Dec. 19, 2023)
CalcLoop Plus (1.0): Removed from Mac App Store (Oct. 18, 2023)

  • ByeGraph 2.6 has been released on Mac App Store. (Oct 18, 2023) new!
is a graph creating application available on macOS. It enables you to create your own effective graph from data and expressions. The data and expressions are used not only alone respectively, but also in their combination together: you can add some processes, which are defined by expressions, to based data and make them reflect into a graph. And according to your purpose, ByeGraph can provide many types of graphs, such as Date-formatted x label graph, Character-based x label graph, Scatters with labels, Histogram and so on. ByeGraph has been shareware for a long time, but it is changed to freeware from the version 2.6.
(The first version was released on Apr.11 2007.)

Applications whose development and release have been discontinued.

(Released on Jan.05 2012)
(First released on May.11 2006 - Last released on Jan.11 2011)
(First released on Feb.01 1997 - Last released on Oct.10 1999)

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